Day Seven. 366 Project. Picture # 7. "untitled". Had a hard day today. I was working on a side job. I was tired, hungry and so ready to go home and relax. Was wondering where and what kind of picture I could shoot and stay close to home. While still driving home, I noticed how big and clear the Moon appeared and decided to get the long lens out and use the Moon for the "Day 7' picture. Even though the Moon is 238,857 miles away, I would not have to leave home to shoot it. So tired as I was, it would have to do. Unfortunately I only have a cheap Phoenix 50-1300mm lens to use for shots of the Moon. I always draw attention from my neighbors when I emerge from my apartment carrying the camera and tripod with a twenty inch lens. I get more stares when I set up to shoot in the parking lot. Shooting the Moon is not very satisfying from a creative stand point but the challenge of trying to get a good picture with poor quality glass keeps me trying. Canon Rebel XTI on Tripod, Phoenix 650-1300mm zoom lens. Focal length 650mm. f/8. ISO 200 1/500 second exposure. Any additional questions please contact me at .
The moon never ceases to intrigue. I think I can see the remnants of the ancient civilizations in this pic. There appear to be interconnected points of light.