Day Seventeen. 366 Project. Picture #17. "Angry Bird". This is a male grackle. It is a beautiful bird that everyone loves to hate. They seem to be everywhere and they are loud and their droppings cover everything. That all being said this grackle chose to stand his ground and allow me to get a clear picture that picked up some of his iridescent colors. Other than that this is just a picture of a very common sight in Austin. Today was an eclectic shooting day for me. I could not decide which picture to put up for the day. I am for today only, going to post the other Day 17 rejects on my Facebook page,!/profile.php?id=1767656972 . I want to share what a drive through East Austin, TX offers for photo opportunities. And if anyone cares here is a link to grackle information. . Canon Rebel XTI handheld. 75-300mm lens. Focal length 300mm. f/5.6. ISO 1600. Exposure 1/1000 second. Any additional questions please contact me at .
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