Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 168. June 16.

Day One Hundred Sixty Eight. June 14. Picture # 168. "Sharp as a Tack".  My camera and tripod was still set up on the table this morning with the close-up lens still mounted from last night's shooting. Today was one of those run errands sort of days, where you stay busy but really do not accomplish a whole lot. So by late afternoon, I still had not gotten out to get a picture for the day. Realizing that the first thing I would have to do is take down the equipment from the night before, I decided to start experimenting with different close-up shots. Coins, stamps, rocks even a fork were photographed with different settings and lighting. I wanted to see just how crisp of focus I could get on very small objects. In other words, I was trying for as sharp as a tack focus, only to be disappointed to find out, that tacks aren't actually all that sharp. Canon Rebel XTI, on tripod. Canon 18-55mm lens. Bower 4X closeup lens. Focal length 55mm. f/20. ISO 200. Exposure 2.5 seconds.


  1. You have an incredible set of pictures that is the 366 project with a great amount of variety. These pins look like their picture was taken under a microscope or xray.

  2. Thank you TBO! Variety has proven to be the biggest challenge on a daily basis. What I shoot must fit in to my daily life and schedule. I try to keep it fresh by shooting all kinds of different styles and techniques and of course changing subject choices.Thank you so much for commenting on variety, it means a lot to me.
