Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 92. April 1.

Day 92. April 1. Picture # 92. "Untitled". This method of shooting moving water by using long exposures seems to be a love it or hate sort of thing. There are "purists" who say the water does not look like that naturally so therefore it is bad. The other side says every time you aim a camera you are choosing the "natural" that you like. This is how I chose to present this picture today. Canon Rebel XTI, on tripod. Canon 75-300mm lens. Focal length 75mm. f/32. ISO 100. Exposure 2 seconds.


  1. I always love the milky water shots. I'm having trouble gauging scale on this one. It almost looks macro?

  2. Hi TBO, The log is about four feet long.
