Day Fifty Five. February 24. Picture # 55, " Gary's Request". While driving in the Hill Country today, I kept seeing nice vistas. But these very pleasing to the eye scenes became boring and unremarkable when framed in the view finder. Maybe "I" was just feeling a little flat as the week was winding down into the weekend. I needed a pick me up. About this time, I received a text from my friend Gary Cross with a request list of sorts. He suggested I "shoot some life" followed up by "introduce the female. . . of any species". His good natured ribbing was just what I needed to get inspired to find a shot. Gary encourages and pushes me in my photography and I push him in his song writing. Well Gary, here's your "life", "species" and "female?". This buffalo's for you ! Canon Rebel XTI hand held. Canon 28-135mm lens. Focal length 30mm. f/3.5. ISO 400. Exposure 1/1000 second.
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